Non Toxic Printmaking

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“I just read your excellent book Non-Toxic Printmaking from cover to cover…. I thought you did a brilliant job especially in acknowledging major innovations in the field… It shows great integrity on your part.  Thanks for your contribution in bringing the now diverse world of Acrylic Resist Etching together in one book.  
I will be recommending your book”.

Keith Howard (Printmaker, Author The Contemporary Printmaker) – In an email to the author

“The next installment in A&C Black’s excellent Printmaking Handbook range…includes a series of ways to replicate traditional printmaking methods without the use of acids, solvents and petroleum-based materials”

Artists and Illustrators (March 2011)


In this book, Mark Graver puts the case for non-toxic printmaking and then discusses the various technical factors (both materials and equipment) to consider when etching with acrylic resists, making aquatints, etching in general, using drypoint, engraving, making mezzotints and collagraphs and using photopolymers as well as combining various printmaking techniques. There is also information on various inks and health and safety measures in the printing workshop. All in all, this book contains everything you need to know to clean up your printmaking practice.

A & C Black Publishers Ltd